I had the great opportunity to visit the
The Andrews
Forest was established in
1948. In the 1950’s, the research focused on increasing the “efficiency of forest operations.” At that time, forestry was viewed as a form of farming. Just as the corn farmer
grows crop after crop of corn, the forester grows crop after crop of trees. The
question was: How do we use science to maximize the tree harvest? Of course,
natural forests in the Pacific Northwest didn’t
grow as crops. The trees here grew to be large and old. But what about these old-growth
forests? They were considered very inefficient, in fact worse than inefficient,
producing no new logs. First they needed to be cut down. Then efficient tree
farming could begin. The process was:
Plant new trees, usually Douglas fir, grow them for 60 years, harvest
them by clear cutting, repeat. This was the new “scientific” approach to
forestry, which at least replaced the devastating cut and run forestry that
removed forests all across the country, starting at the East Coast. Still, this
new approach to forestry was focused on maximizing timber production.
Lookout Creek in the Andrews Forest |
However, the researchers at the Andrews Forest
also began to study the workings of a naturally growing forest. It is as if
they had just discovered something that Henry David Thoreau had written 100
years earlier: “Would it not be well to consult with Nature in the Outset? For
she is the most extensive and experienced planter of us all” (from “The
Succession of Forest Trees.”) It is this focus on how a natural forest grows
and how the various organisms interact, grow, and change over time that has
occupied the scientists at the Andrews
Forest . This new research
has led to some amazing discoveries and a new understanding of how to manage a
forest ecosystem.
Ancient Douglas firs in the Andrews Forest |
Jon Luoma’s wonderful book, The Hidden Forest, tells the story of the research at the Andrews Forest . Some of the most interesting
research reveals how different species in the forest work together for mutual
benefit, an arrangement called symbiosis.
Here are some fascinating examples.
All plants need nitrogen to thrive. A young forest gets
nitrogen from nitrogen fixing shrubs. Red alder trees, which often are the
first trees to grow in a new forest also have nitrogen fixing bacteria in their
roots. However, as a forest matures, conifers grow to shade out the shrubs and
even the alders. By the time the forest becomes mature, all these nitrogen
fixers are gone. So, where does a mature forest get the nitrogen it needs? This
mystified scientists for a long time. They didn’t find the answer until a team
at the Andrews Forest used ropes to climb into the top
of a Douglas fir tree. What they found 200 feet above the ground was an
abundance of lichen growing on the branches. The lichen they found is lettuce
lichen (Lobaria oregana). Testing
showed that this lichen was full of nitrogen. Much of the lichen eventually
falls to the forest floor allowing the nitrogen to enrich the soil. Without the
lichen, an old-growth forest probably could not exist. In return, the lichen
doesn’t ask for much, just a place to live up in the abundant sunlight of the
forest canopy.
Lichens themselves are an interesting study in symbiosis. A
lichen is not a single organism. It is a composite organism made of algae and
fungi living in a symbiotic relationship. The algae perform photosynthesis and
supply energy to the lichen. Threads of fungi provide structure keeping it all
together, gather water and nutrients, and attach to the tree where the lichen
Another fascinating discovery was finding fungi living
inside apparently healthy conifer needles. Why didn’t the fungi harm the
needles, and just what were the fungi doing there? Well, trees have a problem
with defoliating insects. Unlike short-lived plants, trees live too long to
react to evolving short-lived insects. It turns out that these fungi have a
symbiotic relationship with the needles. In exchange for the energy supplied by
the needles, the fungi protect the needles by creating compounds that poison
the defoliators. If the defoliators develop a resistance to the poison, the
short-lived fungi can quickly change to create new, effective poisons. It’s a
constant evolutionary race, not unlike the race between new strains of disease
and the pharmaceutical companies that must create new forms of antibiotics,
although the fungi don’t make billions of dollars for their services.
Over 100 years ago, scientists discovered another symbiotic
relationship 200 feet below in the root systems of the trees. While researching
how to grow truffles, a scientist discovered that threadlike tendrils attached
to the truffles were connected to the roots of trees and other plants. These
are the fungi that produce the truffles. He also discovered that seedlings with
these fungal connections grew much faster. Now we know that these fungi get
nourishment from the tree. In return, the fungi collect water and minerals that
feed the root system of the tree.
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Douglas squirrel munching on a fungus |
In the 1970’s scientists at the Andrews Forest
discovered more remarkable connections in the ecology of the forest, not just
between the fungi and trees, but also between the fungi and small mammals. Voles,
chipmunks, squirrels, and mice, love truffles and other fungi. For some, it is
an important part of their diet. It’s no surprise that squirrel poop is chocked
full of the reproductive spores from the fungi, which, of course, these small
mammals distribute all over the forest making their own little contributions to
the forest ecosystem. In their turn, the trees provide habitat for the mammals
both when the trees are alive and especially when they’re rotting on the
ground. Voles, for example, depend on these rotting logs. The rotting logs,
then, become an essential part of the forest ecosystem, not just providing
living quarters for the voles, but food for insects and other organisms as
well. Eventually, nutrients in the log are recycled back into the soil. These
factors have led researchers at the Andrews
Forest to re-assess the
old forest practices of clear-cutting and removing the dead material from the
forest floor.
These and other discoveries at the Andrews Forest
led to a new approach to forest management based on their studies of naturally
growing forests. If Thoreau were alive today, he would say, “Well, it only took
you 100 years to figure that out.”
Andrews rain gauge with baffles to increase accuracy |
My rain gauge |
The two-day workshop I attended at the Andrews
Forest was hosted by the Oregon Season
Tracker Program, a joint project of the OSU Extension program and the Andrews Forest . The Oregon Season Tracker
Program enlists volunteer citizen
scientists to collect and record precipitation and plant phenology data. Daily
precipitation is easy to record using a standard rain gauge like the one above. We report the precipitation to the CoCoRaHS Web site.
Plant phenology observations
enable us to track the changes in plants as they respond to seasonal changes
and variations in weather and, in particular, climate change. We report our phenology observations on the Nature's Notebook site.
Stream monitoring station |
Western hemlocks |
Temperature monitor |
Experimental rain gauges |
More info